Thursday, July 5, 2007


When you first get to school, there is a very good chance that you will be a little intimidated. I was. Don’t be afraid to talk to random people you’ve never seen before! (It’s one of the best ways to make some friends!)

You will be doing many important things when you get to school – unpacking, going to classes, signing up for clubs – but there is one thing you must make time to do: NETWORK!

I know you would rather play volleyball with all the other (scantily-clad) students, but I know that you can find a few minutes here or there to go talk to a professor. GO TALK TO A PROFESSOR!

Why should you go talk to a professor? Let me give you a few reasons…

One is that professors teach because they want to – and they want to help their students succeed. If you visit the prof of a class that you’re struggling in, they’ll help you stabilize your grade. Not only will they help you with concepts you don’t understand, but also if you’re teetering on the edge between an A- and a B+, they’ll probably give you the benefit of the doubt and give you the better grade. Yay!

Another is that professors come in handy when it’s recommendation time. You WILL need recommendations at some point around graduation time, whether it’s a letter for grad school or a reference for a job.

Finally, professors have friends. And their friends may know of a job that will be perfect for you. Think about it.

Even if you don’t think that you need help in class, make up a question and go ask it. Trust me. I waited until I needed a recommendation to start visiting my professors during their office hours (they usually list them on the course syllabus). I wish I had started sooner, but it’s never too late to start.

In conclusion: networking is awesome, and you should start NOW!

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